글, 마이크로소프트(MS) 등 실적을 발표한 빅테크 기업 실적과 보잉, 캐터필러 등 기업들의 실적과 향후 전망에 대해 다룹니다. 또 IPO 시장 대어로 꼽혔던 모빌아이 나스닥 상장과 거래 첫날 주가 흐름
Revenue per Day.📈
Revenue, often referred to as sales or the top line, is the money received from normal business operations.
Operating income is revenue (from the sale of goods or services) less operating expenses.
Non-operating income is infrequent or nonrecurring income derived from secondary sources.
Non-business entities such as governments, nonprofits, or individuals also report revenue, though calculations and sources for each differ.
Revenue is only sale proceeds, while income or profit incorporate the expenses to generate revenue and report the net earnings.
Revenue, often referred to as sales or the top line, is the money received from normal business operations.
Operating income is revenue (from the sale of goods or services) less operating expenses.
Non-operating income is infrequent or nonrecurring income derived from secondary sources.
Non-business entities such as governments, nonprofits, or individuals also report revenue, though calculations and sources for each differ.
Revenue is only sale proceeds, while income or profit incorporate the expenses to generate revenue and report the net earnings.
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