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Four Most Popular Dramas in Korea!! The Best Korean Dramas!!

#Korean Dramas Good for Studying Korean

#1 Stove League

1. A baseball drama.

2 trillion won in economic effects in professional baseball, 8 million spectators in professional baseball,

Dynamic ground, enthusiastic about the strong smell of sweat.

A story that suits the taste of professional baseball fans.


2. It's an office drama like a baseball drama.

It is the story of the front desk, including the leader, not the player.

chasing the front desk, the supporting actor of professional sports.

It's actually not just a shadow, but it's not just a shadow.

It will show that he is another hero of the winter season. 


3. It's an office-like war drama.

The process of growing a team that's used to losing and rotting.

It's never a familiar, beautiful growth drama.

becoming vicious and rolling in mud to cut out the rotten

It will be made up of ugly and fierce fighting.

Even if you frown at the hero who fights as if he were only living today,

"The evil spirit that is weak but resistant to inertia."

I have no choice but to watch and support you.


4. It's a warlike human growth drama.

Professional sports are harsh.

The last-place team can be seen by the whole nation that they are last.

Just because you're on the team,

Just because you're rooting for the team,

Have you ever experienced a drooping shoulder and a decline in the number of words

The ones who were last in the first place, the ones who struggled to escape, were last in the second place.

If you come in second from last place, you can laugh.

It's inevitable that the last places that exist somewhere

I'm writing this story, dreaming of an unabated fantasy.

#2 Master Kim of Romantic Doctor

It's an age of disgust.
conservatives and progressives, golden and earth spoons, gaps and buns, liquor and nonmainstream,
Even men and women.
Everything is divided into dichotomy and the confrontation between the two sides is turning into extreme disgust.
The diversity of their existence is ignored.
It is divided only by your side and mine to slander, disparage and attack each other.
Respect for human beings has disappeared and only hatred has remained there.
This is why we need warm encouragement and consolation once again.

The precious values dying in this age, 
treated as tacky and wicky, 
But the truth is, we're all still missing something.
The stories of people, the stories of people,
It will be full this season as well.
Dreaming of a world of respect and respect, not hatred.
What do people live by? 
I don't know why I'm living like this... To a lot of people who are lost. 
I would like to convey the romance of Master Kim, who is still beautiful.

#3 a crash landing of love

South Korean passports are competent.
If you have our passports, you can go without a visa.
It has as many as 187 countries.
But with this ubiquitous passport,
There is a country nearest you that you can never go.
Same language, same appearance, same roots.
Where there are people who can't and shouldn't meet,
A strange, scary, curious, and novel country.

Therefore, we are more curious.
Various ingredients, fake luxury bags, Korean dramas,
a North Korean market where all kinds of medicines, dollars, etc. come and go.
Department Store Scenic Area in Ryeomyong Street, Cheongdam-dong, Pyongyang
It's very similar to South Korea's '70s movies.
handsome and beautiful actors in North Korean TV dramas
Not only the famous Pyeongyang naengmyeon,
Gaesong Kimchi Bossam, Myeongtae Sikhae, eggplant sundae, fish roe jangban,
Garit gukbap, artificial meat, clam bulgogi, etc.
North Korean food, unfamiliar with its name...
You're like us, you're like us, and you're like us, you'
Small routine, most of all, the people who live there.

Tornadoes and other worlds.
Like Dorothy in a fairy tale that flew away.
a woman on a gust of wind
Jump into a man's world.
"The wrong train sometimes gets on the wrong train.
I'll take you to your destination."
Sometimes life is swept away by a huge wind.
It looks like you're in danger, but...
I'm the only one who gets into a bad accident.
I know you're standing alone in a strange, scary place, but...
We will eventually realize.

The wind blew Dorothy away.
Like I met the Wizard of Oz.
The pilot who made a crash landing in the desert
Like I met the Little Prince.
A lot of relationships, lots of luck,
A beautiful story
Unexpected bad luck and unhappy
The fact that it starts with an emergency landing.

#4 Itaewon Klass

"Can you live only what you want?" "Is it a world you live alone?"


a remark that anyone would have heard at least once
Many people are tamed by other people's words.
He lives by compromising his values in line with the "walled wall" of "realization."


No one can blame.
It's adult to fit yourself within a set framework.
in this day and age when it is considered to be good at social life
A world where the belief of the absent is stubborn and determined without profit.


But is a life that fits in with others and the world really a well-off life?
For whom is life?

Shouldn't the most precious thing in life be yourself?
Are you in your life?


Here's a social maladaptor, who is united with stubbornness and courage.
in a fit of thin air


This man failed to kneel once and dropped out of high school and became an ex-convict.
The chaebol's overuse of power cost their dreams, their families.
Itaewon street where you happen to walk in endless abyss.
A variety of races, exotic buildings with feelings, free people, delicious dishes from all over the world.  
Feeling free in Itaewon, where the world seems to be compressed, he said,
In this Itaewon alley, where I fell in love with hope again,
He starts his own business with his colleagues who agree with him.


"I want to live a life where there is no price for my belief.”


The main character, Park Sae-loe, does not compromise.
The belief of the powerless in the pursuit of freedom, 

in the face of the inevitable hardships and adversity
He tries to fulfill his belief and achieve what he wants.
He is neither smart nor talented.
It's just hard.


Such an ordinary man, the new man's outspokenness, to many people,
He once lived the same life, but he compromised on reality.
Or for many viewers who are going through the rough road,
It will give catharsis and strong stimulation.

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이 블로그의 인기 게시물

리질리언스 능력의 구성요소 ① 대응(Responding) ② 감시(Monitoring) ③ 예견(Anticipating) ④ 학습(Learning) / 리스크 감소대책 ① 본질안전화 ② 공학적 조치 ③ 관리적 조치 ④ 개인용 보호구

# # # [리질리언스와 안전문화] 학습 요약 자료  1. 현장에 맞는 안전관리를 하기 위해서는 관리기반대책과 행동기반대책이 모두 이루어져야 한다.  2. 관리기반대책으로는 '작업의 자동화, 작업환경의 인강공학적 개선, Fool Proof, Fail Safe…' 등이 있다.  3. 리스크 감소조치 중 '확실한 효과'를 기대할 수 있는 것은 물(物)에 의존하는 조치(본질안전화 + 공학적 대책)이다.  4. 재해방지효과의 저하가 거의 발생하지 않는 것은 '본질안전화'이다.  5. 국제안전규경이 정의하는 「안전」은 ALARP 영역이며, ‘부득이하게 허용하는 리스크’와 ‘허용 가능한 리스 크’를 포함한다.  6. 리스크 감소대책 ① 본질안전화 ② 공학적 조치 ③ 관리적 조치 ④ 개인용 보호구  7. 리질리언스 능력의 구성요소 ① 대응(Responding) ② 감시(Monitoring) ③ 예견(Anticipating) ④ 학습(Learning)  8. 안전문화 조성을 위한 관리시스템인 PDCA 중 D(실시)는 'CEO의 의사전달, 이해'와 '안전문화 조성활동의 실시'이다.  9. 리질리언스 능력의 보완적 요건 ① 자원배분의 적절성 ② 미묘한 변화의 인지 ③ 선제적 행동의 중시. ④ 성공사례의 착안  10. 상황인식 모델 중 '상황인식' 범위 ① 상황지각(Perception) ② 상황이해(Comprehension) ③ 예상(Projection)  11. 리질리언스 효과 ① 면역력 ② 저항력 ③ 복원력 12. 위험원의 배제 또는 저감은 관리기반대책이다. 행동기반대책에는 절차준수, 자립적 안전행동, 배려, 책임 감과 긍지 등이 있다.  13. 관리적 대책으로는 작업절차의 마련, 기본수칙의 제정, 안전기준의 제정 등이 있다. 기계 방호장치 장착 은 방호대책으로 관리적 대책이 아닌 공학적 대책이다 0 사...

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많은곳을 검색하고  여기저기 봐도 시설관리 업무를  공유하고 팁을 배울 수 있는  자료들은 많이 없는 것 같은데요!! 그래서 제가 하나씩 만들면서  시작해보려 합니다 효과적으로 효율적으로  업무에 도움되며, 보기까지 좋은 시설관리업무 만들어 보려는데 과연 잘 할 수 있을런지 모르겠네요 ㅋㅋㅋ 아무튼 시설관리는 무슨일을 하고 어떻게 업무를 해결하면 좋을까? (각 아래 제목을 클릭하시면 자세한정보를 볼 수 있습니다.) 주간 시설관리 업무 야간 시설관리 업무 야간근무 순찰 시 필요한 아이템!!! 2020년 관리소장 월급여 2022년 관리소장 월급여 2022년 기계설비관리자 월급여 시설관리 일지 서류목록 1년 건물관리비 예산 시설관리 미래전망 시설관리직공무원 시험과목 시설관리공단 9급과 9급 공무원 차이점 국내/해외 전기분야 채용공고 모음 주요 30대 공기업 필수 자격증 정리 전기자격증을 가지고 있을 시 보통 진로방향 청년 취업률이 높은 국가기술자격은? ✅청년 취업률 높은 기사 TOP 5 시설관리기술자가 할 수 있는 창업분야 시설관리업 고액연봉 전략 시설관리 전망 및 비즈니스 전략  :  철물점 사업방법 계속 아래로 내려가시면,  영선, 전기, 기계, 소방, 통신 순서로 업무를 정리하였습니다. 특이사항에 따른 업무 화단->사무실 변경작업 태풍오기 전 업무사항 건물 외벽 보수작업 여름장마 끝나고 진행하는 우수조청소!! 정원 소나무가지 정리 및 약처리 작업 소나무 영영제 투입작업 해빙기 건설공사 및 시설물 안전점검표 알소프트 리모트미팅룸 설치작업 한달에 한번하는 방역작업은 이렇게!! 회사 야외행사시 이런업무 합니다!! 회사 시무식행사 현수막설치는 이렇게!! 체육관에서 회사 행사시 냉난방은 이렇게!! 주차장의 경계석 때문에 타이어가 펑크...

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