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global economy to reach nearly $104 trillion in nominal value

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According to the latest projections, the IMF expects the global economy to reach nearly $104 trillion in nominal value by the end of 2022.⁠

Although growth keeps trending upwards, the recovery that was expected in the post-pandemic period is looking strained. Because of recent conflicts, supply chain bottlenecks, and subsequent inflation, global economic projections are getting revised downwards.⁠

Global annual GDP growth for 2022 was initially projected to be 4.4% as of January, but this has since been adjusted to 3.6%.⁠

As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has continued, military spending and technology has come under the spotlight as the world tracked Western arms shipments and watched how HIMAR rocket launchers and other weaponry affected the conflict.⁠

But developing, exporting, and deploying military personnel and weaponry costs nations hundreds of billions every year. In 2021, global military spending reached $2.1 trillion, rising for its seventh year in a row.⁠

Using data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), this visualization shows which countries spent the most on their military in 2021, along with their overall share of global military spending.⁠

Measures like GDP are commonly used to understand the overall wealth and size of the economy. While looking at economic output on an annual basis is useful, there are other metrics to consider when evaluating the wealth of a nation 💰⁠

Household wealth statistics reveal which country’s citizens are accruing the highest level of money and assets worldwide.⁠

This visual utilizes data from Credit Suisse’s annual Global Wealth Report to break down the latest estimates for household wealth by country.⁠

Natural gas prices have risen since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, exacerbating an already tight supply situation.⁠

Making matters worse, Moscow has since cut gas exports to Europe to multi-year lows, sending Europe’s gas price to almost 10 times its pre-war average.⁠

Using data from BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy, this infographic provides further context on the gas market by visualizing the world’s largest gas producers in 2021.⁠

At some point in late 2022, the eight billionth human being will enter the world, ushering in a new milestone for humanity 👶⁠

In just 48 years, the world population has doubled in size, jumping from four to eight billion. Of course, humans are not equally spread throughout the planet, and countries take all shapes and sizes. ⁠

These visualizations aim to build context on how the eight billion people are distributed around the world.⁠

The International Energy Agency predicts that Asia will account for half of the world’s electricity consumption by 2025, with one-third of global electricity being consumed in China ⚡️⁠

To explore how this growing electricity demand is currently being met, we've mapped Asia’s main sources of electricity by country.⁠

Inflation is surging nearly everywhere in 2022 📈⁠

Geopolitical tensions are triggering high energy costs, while supply-side disruptions are also distorting consumer prices. The end result is that almost half of countries worldwide are seeing double-digit inflation rates or higher.⁠

With new macroeconomic forces shaping the global economy, this infographic shows countries with the highest inflation rates.⁠

Copper is a major industrial metal with many applications due to its high ductility, malleability, and electrical conductivity 🎖⁠

Many new technologies critical to fighting climate change, like solar panels and wind turbines, rely on the red metal.⁠

But where does the copper we use come from? This graphic lists the world’s largest copper producing countries in 2021.⁠

Many governments are investing in renewable energy sources like solar power, but who controls the manufacturing of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels?⁠

As it turns out, China owns the vast majority of the world’s solar panel supply chain, controlling at least 75% of every single key stage of solar photovoltaic panel manufacturing and processing.⁠

This visualization shows the shares held by different countries and regions of the key stages of solar panel manufacturing, using data from the International Energy Agency (IEA).⁠

Humans have been drinking beer for thousands of years—and since it’s still one of the most popular beverages worldwide, it seems we haven’t gotten sick of it yet. The latest available data shows that beer consumption exceeded 177 million kiloliters around the world in 2020.⁠

Beer consumption occurs all over the world, but the amount varies greatly depending on the location. So, which countries drink the most beer?⁠

This graphic uses data from Kirin Holdings to compare global beer consumption by country. Kirin is a Japanese company that has been tracking beer consumption around the world since 1975.⁠

The world is in the middle of the first energy crisis of the 21st century.⁠

High energy prices, especially for oil, gas, and coal, are driving decades-high inflation in various countries, some of which are also experiencing energy shortages. Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine has exacerbated the crisis, given that the country is both a major producer and exporter of oil and natural gas.⁠

Using data from BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy, the above infographic provides further context on the crisis by visualizing the world’s largest oil producers in 2021.⁠

Worl's Crude Oil Producrion.🌍

An integrated oil and gas company is one that is involved in the entire value chain of the oil business.

Integrated oil and gas companies have individual business divisions dedicated to the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors of the oil and gas industry.

Being an integrated company allows for complete control and improved efficiency. It also provides for various streams of revenue and diversification.

Some of the largest and most influential oil and gas companies in the world are integrated companies, such as Chevron, ExxonMobil, and BP.

Cotton is present in our everyday life, from clothes to coffee strainers, and more recently in masks to control the spread of COVID-19 🍃⁠

As the most-used natural fiber, cotton has become the most important non-food agricultural product. Currently, approximately half of all textiles require cotton fibers.⁠

Devastating floods across Pakistan this summer have resulted in more than 1,400 lives lost and one-third of the country being under water.⁠

This raises the question: which nations and their populations are the most vulnerable to the risk of flooding around the world?⁠

Using data from a recent study published in Nature, this graphic maps flood risk around the world, highlighting the 1.81 billion people directly exposed to 1-in-100 year floods. The methodology takes into account potential risks from both inland and coastal flooding.⁠

Global Beer Consumption 🔥


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# # # [리질리언스와 안전문화] 학습 요약 자료  1. 현장에 맞는 안전관리를 하기 위해서는 관리기반대책과 행동기반대책이 모두 이루어져야 한다.  2. 관리기반대책으로는 '작업의 자동화, 작업환경의 인강공학적 개선, Fool Proof, Fail Safe…' 등이 있다.  3. 리스크 감소조치 중 '확실한 효과'를 기대할 수 있는 것은 물(物)에 의존하는 조치(본질안전화 + 공학적 대책)이다.  4. 재해방지효과의 저하가 거의 발생하지 않는 것은 '본질안전화'이다.  5. 국제안전규경이 정의하는 「안전」은 ALARP 영역이며, ‘부득이하게 허용하는 리스크’와 ‘허용 가능한 리스 크’를 포함한다.  6. 리스크 감소대책 ① 본질안전화 ② 공학적 조치 ③ 관리적 조치 ④ 개인용 보호구  7. 리질리언스 능력의 구성요소 ① 대응(Responding) ② 감시(Monitoring) ③ 예견(Anticipating) ④ 학습(Learning)  8. 안전문화 조성을 위한 관리시스템인 PDCA 중 D(실시)는 'CEO의 의사전달, 이해'와 '안전문화 조성활동의 실시'이다.  9. 리질리언스 능력의 보완적 요건 ① 자원배분의 적절성 ② 미묘한 변화의 인지 ③ 선제적 행동의 중시. ④ 성공사례의 착안  10. 상황인식 모델 중 '상황인식' 범위 ① 상황지각(Perception) ② 상황이해(Comprehension) ③ 예상(Projection)  11. 리질리언스 효과 ① 면역력 ② 저항력 ③ 복원력 12. 위험원의 배제 또는 저감은 관리기반대책이다. 행동기반대책에는 절차준수, 자립적 안전행동, 배려, 책임 감과 긍지 등이 있다.  13. 관리적 대책으로는 작업절차의 마련, 기본수칙의 제정, 안전기준의 제정 등이 있다. 기계 방호장치 장착 은 방호대책으로 관리적 대책이 아닌 공학적 대책이다 0 사...

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